Our Impact

Our Environment
Our Community
Our Health and Safety
Our Environment

The Baynouna Environment reflects our responsibility towards the environment we live in. This crystallizes our underlying commitment towards generating and operating the Baynouna power plant with the utmost consideration of safeguarding and protecting the health and wellness of the environment around us. In other words, we conduct our business in a fashion that preserves nature and minimizes the negative impact of an industrial power plant on the existing wild life, air, and plants in Jordan. We also commit to dispose of all by-products from our operations in a manner that guarantees zero impact on the wild life around us. Our added value lies in diverting from the conventional way of generating power, to producing, generating and distributing clean, CO2 emission-free, pollution-free and renewable energy to the citizens of Jordan.

A vital part for the success of any project is to conduct the essential pre-project feasibility study and R&D required to mitigate risks. Baynouna conducted a comprehensive environmental and social impact study (ESIA) in accordance with the applicable environmental laws and guidelines of both the Kingdom of Jordan and of the international environmental standards. The ESIA study aimed to assess the project’s potential environmental and social impacts, and where necessary, how to mitigate, minimize or even eradicate them.

The process involved the engagement of potentially affected stakeholders via a scoping session conducted on January 2017. This session aimed at identifying the main project stakeholders, informing the public about the project, providing an opportunity for all interested to participate in the scoping process, identifying environmental and social impacts considered to be of key importance for the ESIA study, and authoring its final terms of reference.

The comprehensive ESIA study was prepared by an independent third-party environmental expert, in accordance with the Jordan Ministry of Environment’s guidelines, the Equator Principles covering the IFC Performance Standards on social and environmental sustainability, and according to the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. The ESIA study was officially approved by the ministry in April 2017, and has been publicly available since May 2017.

For purposes of transparency, public dissemination and feedback, kindly check all above-mentioned documents, made publicly available by Baynouna Solar Energy Company (BSEC), in the Media Center link.

Our Community

We, as Baynouna. Are part of the Jordanian environment, both affecting it and getting affected by it. We are focused on the national community of Jordan, in general, and on the local community around the power plant, in particular. As part of being a responsible entity within the local community, Baynouna feels that it must contribute directly to the prosperity and wellbeing of the local community, and indirectly to the national community. This is accomplished through different practices, such as participating in local events and conducting long and short-term initiatives in collaboration with NGOs targeting the wellbeing of the local community around us. Chiefs among them are: Ordon Nakhwa (Women in debt fund), Ramadan Initiative and Eid Kiswa.

As a responsible sustainability citizen in the East Amman community, Baynouna aims to reflect sustainability in every aspect of daily interactions with stakeholders. Starting with the way we produce power, to initiating social and environmental activities to supporting our community, we always seek to make a difference. 

read more about the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
Our Health and Safety

Baynouna is always at the forefront of ensuring the highest standards of health and safety for all its stakeholders. While conducting business, Baynouna ensures that employees are physically well-protected to be able to perform their many onsite tasks. To date, Baynouna was able to achieve all man-hours, meaning full plant construction and generation of electricity, without a single Lost Time Injury (LTI), which reflects the adherence Baynouna has to health and safety, from power generation to distribution. We guarantee proper safety standards though the proper utilization of the HSE tools such as tool box talk, near misses, work permits and task safety assessment run before and after a task is completed.

Our Health and Safety

Baynouna is always at the forefront of ensuring the highest standards of health and safety for all its stakeholders. While conducting business, Baynouna ensures that employees are physically well-protected to be able to perform their many onsite tasks. To date, Baynouna was able to achieve all man-hours, meaning full plant construction and generation of electricity, without a single Lost Time Injury (LTI), which reflects the adherence Baynouna has to health and safety, from power generation to distribution. We guarantee proper safety standards though the proper utilization of the HSE tools such as tool box talk, near misses, work permits and task safety assessment run before and after a task is completed.

Our Community

We, as Baynouna. Are part of the Jordanian environment, both affecting it and getting affected by it. We are focused on the national community of Jordan, in general, and on the local community around the power plant, in particular. As part of being a responsible entity within the local community, Baynouna feels that it must contribute directly to the prosperity and wellbeing of the local community, and indirectly to the national community. This is accomplished through different practices, such as participating in local events and conducting long and short-term initiatives in collaboration with NGOs targeting the wellbeing of the local community around us. Chiefs among them are: Ordon Nakhwa (Women in debt fund), Ramadan Initiative and Eid Kiswa.

As a responsible sustainability citizen in the East Amman community, Baynouna aims to reflect sustainability in every aspect of daily interactions with stakeholders. Starting with the way we produce power, to initiating social and environmental activities to supporting our community, we always seek to make a difference. 

read more about the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
Our Environment

The Baynouna Environment reflects our responsibility towards the environment we live in. This crystallizes our underlying commitment towards generating and operating the Baynouna power plant with the utmost consideration of safeguarding and protecting the health and wellness of the environment around us. In other words, we conduct our business in a fashion that preserves nature and minimizes the negative impact of an industrial power plant on the existing wild life, air, and plants in Jordan. We also commit to dispose of all by-products from our operations in a manner that guarantees zero impact on the wild life around us. Our added value lies in diverting from the conventional way of generating power, to producing, generating and distributing clean, CO2 emission-free, pollution-free and renewable energy to the citizens of Jordan.

A vital part for the success of any project is to conduct the essential pre-project feasibility study and R&D required to mitigate risks. Baynouna conducted a comprehensive environmental and social impact study (ESIA) in accordance with the applicable environmental laws and guidelines of both the Kingdom of Jordan and of the international environmental standards. The ESIA study aimed to assess the project’s potential environmental and social impacts, and where necessary, how to mitigate, minimize or even eradicate them.

The process involved the engagement of potentially affected stakeholders via a scoping session conducted on January 2017. This session aimed at identifying the main project stakeholders, informing the public about the project, providing an opportunity for all interested to participate in the scoping process, identifying environmental and social impacts considered to be of key importance for the ESIA study, and authoring its final terms of reference.

The comprehensive ESIA study was prepared by an independent third-party environmental expert, in accordance with the Jordan Ministry of Environment’s guidelines, the Equator Principles covering the IFC Performance Standards on social and environmental sustainability, and according to the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. The ESIA study was officially approved by the ministry in April 2017, and has been publicly available since May 2017.

For purposes of transparency, public dissemination and feedback, kindly check all above-mentioned documents, made publicly available by Baynouna Solar Energy Company (BSEC), in the Media Center link.